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1由于下大雪,旅客们只能在机场等到午夜雪停为止Because of the heavy snow, the passengers had to wait in the airport till the midnight when the snow was expected to stop2火车开动20分钟后,两个男孩才发现。

2除了几把椅子,屋子里什么家具也没有except forThere is no furniture expect for few chairs3为什么他们选择了小王而不是小张instead ofWhy do they choose Xiao Wang instead of Xiao Zhang?4天气很热。

What’s the weather going to be like at the weekend?周末天气会怎么样呢It’s fine cloudy rainy today 今天天气不错多云有雨It’s getting cold warm in two days 两天后要变冷 暖和It’。

1It’s sunny rainy, cloudy, stormy, windy, cool, warm, cold, nicefine, clear, hot today, isn’t it?今天阳光明媚下雨,阴天,有暴风雨,刮风,凉爽,暖和,很冷,天气好,天气晴朗,很热,是吧 2On。

今天天气不错it#39s fine today!今天天气不错It#39s a fine day today。

days the weather is very hot very cool #1603 His bad mood these days #1604 I think the heavy overcast, possibly going to rain望采纳 谢谢 3Q 怎么不采纳 快快采纳吧~~~求求你啦。

what fine weather it is标准的望采纳,谢谢 一楼的那个错了,day是日子不是天气。

Good morning, today the weather is good, eat a sunny breakfast, the mood of the United States and the United States 早上好,今天天气不错,吃个阳光早餐,心情美美的。

今天天气怎么样用英文翻译有两种1What#39s the weather like today2How#39s the weather todaywhat用作疑问代词时,其基本意思是“什么,什么东西,什么事情”,用作疑问句,为特殊疑问句的一个标志how作“怎样。

昨天天气怎么样的英文为Howwastheweatheryesterday 天气怎么样的英语是What#39s the weather like?what用作疑问代词时,其基本意思是“什么,什么东西,什么事情”,用作疑问句,为特殊疑问句的一个标志how作“怎样。


天气的英语单词frost霜thunder雷rain雨wind风cloud云sunny晴朗的hail冰雹mist薄雾fog浓雾一frost 1含义n 霜霜冻严寒v 结霜冻死用糖衣装饰 2用法 frost的基本意思是“使结冰。


要问别人外面的天气如何, 最简单的问法就是, quotWhat#39s the weather like out there?quot 或是我们可以用一个很简单的 it 来代表天气, 像是 quotWhat#39s it like out there?quot 这样讲也可以 还有要是你不喜欢用 What。

还不错的英文not bad well enough 一bad 读法 英 b#230d 美 b#230d作形容词的意思是坏的严重的劣质的 作名词的意思是坏事坏人 做副词的意思是 很,非常坏地邪恶地 短语in。

