energy meter energymeter的用途

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印度《印度斯坦时报》官网10月13日报道:随着冬季的来临,德里的空气质量每年都在恶化。根据《印度斯坦时报》姐妹出版物《印度斯坦生活》(the Live Hindustan)的统计,”气候变化使75%以上的儿童感到窒息”(The climatic change leaves more than 75 per cent of the children feeling suffocated”。有关统计是基于能源与资源研究所(The Energy and Resources Institute,TERI)的一项研究报告。


报道说,TERI报告还指出,德里的空气中含有高浓度的主要污染物PM2.5,”正把德里人,特别是儿童,推向呼吸系统和心脏疾病”(air in Delhi has a high concentration of major pollutant PM2.5, which it claimed is pushing Delhiites, especially children, towards respiratory and heart diseases)。


类似地,2019年德里空气中的铅含量为233纳克/立方米(nanograms per cubic meter of air,纳克/空气立方米),而到2020年增加至406纳克/立方米(纳克/空气立方米),砷含量为3纳克/空气立方米。

据专家称,其中一些金属”对人类健康极其有害,经常接触这些金属可能导致一些致命的健康后果”(some of these metals are extremely hazardous to human health and regular exposure to them could lead to some fatal health consequences)。空气中镉和砷含量的增加,也导致当地人患癌症、肾病、高血压、糖尿病和心脏病的风险增加。

《印度斯坦生活》引用TERI 研究员(环境与健康)坎哈雅·拉勒(Kanhaiya Lal)的话说:”PM2.5水平——低于60微克/立方米(less than 60 ug/m3)—-被认为是一个可接受的标准,但如果空气中有毒金属浓度高,那么就会导致你的健康受到威胁”。

这篇报道的标题是《Delhi air pollution: 75% of children experience breathlessness, says study》(一项研究显示,德里空气污染导致75%的儿童呼吸困难)。

Why is exercise wise? You have probably heard countless times how exercise is "good for you".

But did you know that it can actually help you feel good, too? Doing exercise can raise your energy levels and even help improve your mood.

Experts recommend that people get sixty minutes or more of physical activity each day. Here are some of the reasons.

I believe exercise benefits every part of the body, including the mind. Exercising causes the body to produce chemicals that can help a person to feel more peaceful and happy.

And exercise can help some people sleep better. It can also help some people who have mild depression.

Plus, exercise can give people a real sense of accomplishment and pride at having achieved a certain goal, like beating an old time in the 100-meter dash.

为什么锻炼是很明智的? 你们可能已经无数次听到过锻炼对自己有好处。

但你们知道锻炼也能让自己感觉良好吗? 做运动可以提高你的能量水平,甚至有助于改善你的心情。





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