

9790 2024-05-13 51
文字吧短句(文字吧)摘要: 今天小编苏苏来为大家解答以上的问题。文字吧短句,文字吧相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、A bird and tree are friends. The bird...


1、A bird and tree are friends. The bird everyday sitting on the tree branches singing for the tree and tree just listen to the bird singing.Day by day, the cold winner is come in, the bird must leave the tree, fly to the very far place.The tree said to bird: see you bird, but please come back next year and singing for me.Bird said: yes, I will come back next year and I’m still singing for you, please waiting for me.After that the bird fly to the south.Spring is come in again, the snow on the open country and forest are melting, the bird is came back, come back to find her good friend.But, what’s happened here the tree is disappeared only roots remained there.Where is the tree? Bird asked roots.Roots replied: Logging people use the ax to Chop him down, and transport him to the mountain.Then bird fly to the mountain, there is a very big factory in the mountain, the voice of sawing wood is very loudThe bird landed on the door of the factory and asked the door: Mr. Door can you know where is my friend tree?The door replied: the tree is cut off in the factory piece by piece to make the matchsticks transport it to the village over there to sell .Bird fly to the village, beside the kerosene light, there has a girl. Bird asked the girl: can you tell me where is the matchstick?The girl replied: the matchsticks has been finished, but the fire ignite by matchstick still bright.The birds eyes are fully opened looking at the lamplights then she sang the sings as same as last year, sang for the lamplight when she finished singing she face to the lamplights then fly away.。

