
如何提问天气问回答 (问天气提问英语)

9790 2023-12-26 140
如何提问天气问回答 (问天气提问英语)摘要: 回答如下AIt looks like it#39s going to be sunny今天看来像是个晴天BYes,it#39s much better than yesterday...

回答如下AIt looks like it#39s going to be sunny今天看来像是个晴天BYes,it#39s much better than yesterday是的,比昨天好多了AThey say we#39re going to get some rain later据说待会儿要下雨BOh。

AI wish it would stay this way for the weekend但愿整个周末都能保持这样的好天气BAs long as it doesn#39t snow!只要不下雪就行啊。

1what#39s the weatherlike today?2How is the weatherlike today?3how about this weather?4What#39s if like outside today?今天室外天气如何以上四句均可表示“今天天气怎么样”weather音标为。

how#39s the weather 天气怎样问天气好不好?可以回答It#39s finewhat#39s the weather like 问天气具体的怎样可以回答It#39s raining等等不知道对不对,请楼主赐教。

意思就是已经知道天气或冷,或热,因此,只对热或者冷,抒发感慨what提问什么天气,比如说晴天雨天或者阴天而用what, 则表示询问天气如何,是冷还是热全然不知道比如,what#39s the weather like in Shanghai, 上海天气。

“What’s the weather looking like today?”今天天气怎么样不知道怎么学英语,欢迎各位学员来阿卡索,课均不到20元,每天都能跟着专业外教一对一学习分享价值388元的外教试课给大家。

1,how is the weather in someplace during springsummerautumnwinter或者what is the weather like in someplace during springsummerautumnwinter2,天晴的sunny,相关的有温暖的warm,炎热的hot,干燥的dry,舒适的。

it可以指代除人以外的第三人称单数,天气就是第三人称单数,提问what is the weather like,回答用it is,非常合乎语法啊。


What#39s the weather like?天气如何It#39s sunny 晴 How is the weather?天气如何 It#39s rainy 有雨。


提问不同时间是分别用相应的时态用一般现在时可以提问表示将来时间的天气,如what#39s the weather like tomorrow。

英语中问天气的句子有1How is the weather? 天气怎么样2What#39s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样weather 英 #712we#240#601r 美 #712w#603#240#602n天气。


